The listed companies in India are worth 122 per cent of India’s latest annualised gross domestic product (GDP) — the highest since December 2008, when it had hit an all-time high of around 150 per cent.
The ratio was 112 per cent at the end of June and 103 per cent at the end of March. India’s current market capitalisation (m-cap) to GDP ratio is nearly 55 per cent higher than the 15-year median ratio of 79 per cent.
The combined m-cap of nearly 3,500 companies listed and actively traded on the BSE reached a new high of
The ratio was 112 per cent at the end of June and 103 per cent at the end of March. India’s current market capitalisation (m-cap) to GDP ratio is nearly 55 per cent higher than the 15-year median ratio of 79 per cent.
The combined m-cap of nearly 3,500 companies listed and actively traded on the BSE reached a new high of