Former Flipkart executive and Cultfit founder Ankit Nagori wants to disrupt the cloud-kitchen segment with a Thrasio model. He is buying up cloud kitchen brands under a Thrasio-like umbrella called Curefoods.
Thrasio has become a buzzword in the Indian start-up space. The model, named after a company with the same name, means buying up small, successful e-commerce fashion brands and powering them with more capital and technology.
Last week, Curefoods acquired seven food brands, taking its score to 10, which include entrants like CakeZone, Ammi’s Biryani, ParthaBox, and MasalaBox. Curefoods is looking to take that figure to 25
Thrasio has become a buzzword in the Indian start-up space. The model, named after a company with the same name, means buying up small, successful e-commerce fashion brands and powering them with more capital and technology.
Last week, Curefoods acquired seven food brands, taking its score to 10, which include entrants like CakeZone, Ammi’s Biryani, ParthaBox, and MasalaBox. Curefoods is looking to take that figure to 25