The recently concluded Vivo Indian Premier League (IPL) registered a reach of 202 million on Star India’s digital video streaming platform Hotstar, a 51 per cent rise over last year’s reach of 33 million viewers.
The combined reach of TV (including surround and live content) and digital was 769 million viewers, with TV adding 567 million viewers.
The IPL final match between CSK & SRH garnered 55.6 million impressions, a 41 per cent rise from the IPL 10 final between MI and RPS which garnered 39.4 million impressions.
The tournament this year (across 60 matches) garnered 1.4 billion
The combined reach of TV (including surround and live content) and digital was 769 million viewers, with TV adding 567 million viewers.
The IPL final match between CSK & SRH garnered 55.6 million impressions, a 41 per cent rise from the IPL 10 final between MI and RPS which garnered 39.4 million impressions.
The tournament this year (across 60 matches) garnered 1.4 billion