C V Krishnan, Sterlite Industries' head of business development, sees a silver lining in the Supreme Court ruling denying approval for the company's project in Orissa. Excerpts from an interview with Sreelatha Menon. |
Is the case over? |
The honourable Supreme Court has given certain directions as to how to proceed. We will abide by the conditions to get approval. It is a good positive move for the country. It's a victory for the country and Orissa. |
Why for the country? |
Aluminium is called the green metal and per capita consumption in India is only 1.3 kg, while it is 20 kg in many developed countries. It is an alternative for wood and if we use more of it in construction and other activities we will cut less trees. Aluminium development will ultimately mean development for the country in a sustainable manner. |
But NALCO has a mine in Orissa that is said to be producing enough to meet the country's requirements and the resources are officially considered enough to last another century. |
In spite of NALCO, BALCO and HINDALCO, the country is using only 1.3 kg per capita. We need to produce and use more for progress in every other aspect. |
We have one of the largest resources of bauxite in the world and it would be unwise not to use it domestically and for exports. We are also committed to bring development to Orissa. |
So is it a victory for the company? |
It is a victory for the country. For the group too. Ultimately people of Orissa will benefit from it. |
But Vedanta has not been allowed to go ahead. It is Sterlite which will be allowed to work with the state government there. What is the difference? |
The court has disallowed Vedanta because it is a UK-based company, while Sterlite is listed on the National Stock Exchange. That is probably the difference. |
What about the tribals' religious association with Niyamagiri mountain where you will be mining? Also, the mountain is ecologically rich. |
Those issues have been left behind now. The court looked into everything. It did examine who should do the mining and whether bauxite mining should be done at all. It was not against the project per se. |
What do you propose to do now? Will you talk to those groups of people in the area and other organisations opposed to the project? |
We can do two things. Either keep talking to people who have no stakes in the project, or do actual work on the ground. We prefer to do the latter. |