Diversified conglomerate ITC has extended the tenure of chairman Yogesh Chander Deveshwar by two years. A resolution in this regard will be placed before the shareholders for approval at the forthcoming annual general meeting (AGM).
The AGM notice stated given the increasing size and complexity of the organisation, the Nomination & Compensation Committee and the board were of the view that it would be in the best interest of the company for Deveshwar to continue in his capacity as the chairman for some more time.
The board at a meeting on May 16, 2018, sought approval of the
The AGM notice stated given the increasing size and complexity of the organisation, the Nomination & Compensation Committee and the board were of the view that it would be in the best interest of the company for Deveshwar to continue in his capacity as the chairman for some more time.
The board at a meeting on May 16, 2018, sought approval of the