IVRCL Infrastructures & Projects has bagged a Rs 78.85 crore contract from Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation for construction of a 5.75 lakh square feet research complex and 2.86 lakh square feet staff quarters for the Indira Gandhi Centre for Advanced Research on Livestock (IGCARL). The Rs 400 crore IGCARL is coming up over 650 acres of land in Pulivendula of Kadapa district in Andhra Pradesh. The project, to be implemented over a period of three years, is the first-of-its-kind facility for livestock research and vaccine production in the country initiated by the state government. IVRCL stated in a press release that the project was intended for conservation of indigenous germ plasm, development of feed and fodder resources, improvement of animal reproduction, development of cost-effective vaccines and disease diagnostic tools and on-farm validation and transfer of the developed technologies. |