The Irrigation major Jain Irrigation has bagged the prestigious TN-IAMWARM order of the World Bank valued Rs 77.80 crore covering 22,345 hectare (ha) to be executed during the current calendar year.
The World Bank-aided Irrigated Agriculture Modernisation and Water bodies Restoration and Management (IAMWARM) project, covering 63 river sub basins, has been initiated in Tamil Nadu, of which, in the first and second phase, 25 sub basins will be covered.
The contract for supply and installation of drip and sprinkler irrigation system in over 22,345 ha benefiting about 15,000 farmers in the 25 sub basins has been awarded to Jain Irrigation through a complete evaluation process.
In addition to supply and servicing of drip and sprinkler irrigation systems, Jains will be involved in promoting crop diversification and enhancing farm incomes through value-chain building in specific crops.
Being the world leaders in irrigation and having developed several value chains and backward integration and agri-business all over the world, it augurs well for Jains to be associated with the World Bank in such a path -breaking venture.
The project is being implemented by the State Agriculture Engineering Department and Tamil Nadu Agricultural University and is expected to be completed within this year.