Tata Motors Jaguar Land Rover on Thursday announced its plan add 1,000 new recruits in the coming months to its Solihull plant where it produces around 150,000 Land Rovers a year.
The company that had initiated a cut in the workforce in 2008 and 2009, and brought its total workforce down to around 15,000 by the end of 2009, currently employs nearly 20,000 people. The new recruits will be added to this growing number, said a JLR spokesperson.
The Solihull plant currently employs nearly 5,000 people now. Earlier this year, JLR had announced, it will be investing close to £1.5 billion a year over the next five years and deliver 40 significant product action over this time frame.
Commenting on the new opportunities, Des Thurlby, HR Director at Jaguar Land Rover said, “We shall be increasing the plant workforce by more than 25 per cent.” The recruitment campaign which launches with national print and radio advertisements on Thursday is looking for production operators and skilled trades people.
In September this year JLR had committed fresh investment of £355 million in a new facility to manufacture all-new, advanced technology, low-emission engines in the UK in Wolverhampton in UK’s Midlands.The engine manufacturing facility is expected to create up to 750 highly-skilled engineering and manufacturing posts at JLR, along with thousands more highly-skilled manufacturing jobs in the supply chain, the company had said.
JLR had reported pre-tax profits of £1.1 billion last fiscal that ended on 31 March, up from £14.6 million the previous year. Revenues during the period was up by 51 per cent to £9.9 billion.