Local search firm JustDial is set to launch a Rs 100-crore marketing blitz. The company, which recently launched a seller app, has tried to pivot away from its simple listing model. JustDial has started transactions on its app and is in the final stages of introducing one-click payment - like Amazon in the US - effectively entering the e-commerce race.
JustDial is not specifically focusing on groceries, but will be "empowering stores" to deliver more products. This means, it will try to do some last-mile deliveries as well. It will charge Rs 50 on any order below Rs 500, so there is a return on investment (ROI) on every order.
The company recorded Rs 130 crore profit in FY15. "We want an ROI in everything. If our Amway-style campaign works, we might even pause our marketing efforts," said V S S Mani, founder and CEO of JustDial. While the company said it might look at buying properties, it ruled out any cricket sponsorship deals as "the space is too crowded".
Mani, though, remained evasive on the mediums the firm would be using to advertise its new offering. "We want to advertise to the influencers first and then go forward," he said, adding the company would also be using the Amway model to 'evangelise' vendors.
According to Mani, JustDial's new seller app will help vendors create their own app, microsite and even manage inventory for them. "The app will also allow vendors to manage their stores from a remote location."
The company, which started 20 years ago, is regarded as one of the country's successful start-ups, which led to an initial public offering.
Mani said despite being a late entrant in the game, the brand value would help the company reach a critical mass of consumers quicker. "There are very few people in the country who have not used JustDial in one way or another... Other e-commerce players have done the hard work for us by introducing the concept," he added.