Dabur India, leading natural beauty care company, today signed actor Kajal Agarwal as the new face of its flagship hair oil brand – Dabur Amla Nelli Hair Oil. She would be endorsing the brand in the South Indian markets.
Minoo Phakey, Head of Marketing – Hair Oils at Dabur India said, “Amla is a brand that has constantly evolved as the epitome of beauty for Indian women, and the brand has always been endorsed by reigning beauty queens from the world of Indian cinema. Now, Dabur India is taking Dabur Amla’s association with beauty a step further with its association with Kajal Agarwal.”
The brand will be reaching out to its consumers in South India through campaigns aimed at educating consumers about the proven superiority of Dabur Amla Nelli Hair Oil. A new print and television ad campaign featuring Kajal Agarwal will be released soon.