Lenovo India has launched a new smartphone under the K-series. Dubbed as Lenovo K8 Plus, the smartphone boasts dual camera setup at the back and runs stock Google Android Nougat 7.1.1 (Nougat) out of the box. The smartphone will go on sale starting September 7 at 12 noon, exclusively on Flipkart.
The K8 Plus dual camera setup is the key feature of the device. The smartphone houses dual camera sensors of 13-megapixel and 5 MP that work in tandem to take shots with precise bokeh effect, which blurs the background and sharpens the focus on the object. There is
The K8 Plus dual camera setup is the key feature of the device. The smartphone houses dual camera sensors of 13-megapixel and 5 MP that work in tandem to take shots with precise bokeh effect, which blurs the background and sharpens the focus on the object. There is