LG Electronics India (LGEIL) has rolled out more from its stable. The company has unveiled TV DIOS and nine other models in DIOS and frost-free range of refrigerators. |
"TV DIOS refrigerator is our flagship model, which has 15-inch LCD TV, a DVD connection and stereo speakers. The other nine models of our premium DIOS range are available with LCD touch screens, digital sensors, indoor ice-making system and soft home bar," said Anil Arora, business group head (refrigerators), LGEIL. |
Post-launches, the company is targeting 35 per cent overall market share by 2006-end in the refrigerator segment with 40 per cent market share in the frost-free and 30 per cent market share in direct cool segments. |
TV DIOS has 15-inch hi-definition TFT LCD television installed at the centre of its door. |