Six years ago, after Thomas Cook India parted ways with its parent company, Madhavan Menon, managing director of the Indian entity had said in an interview to Business Standard: “Will milk the Thomas Cook brand name as much as I can.”
Over the last few days, as the fortunes of Thomas Cook Plc took a wrong turn, the Indian entity scrambled to distance itself from its erstwhile parent.
It issued advertisements and clarifications that the name was all that the two companies shared.
Despite the clarifications, the share prices of the Indian travel company slumped 12 per
Over the last few days, as the fortunes of Thomas Cook Plc took a wrong turn, the Indian entity scrambled to distance itself from its erstwhile parent.
It issued advertisements and clarifications that the name was all that the two companies shared.
Despite the clarifications, the share prices of the Indian travel company slumped 12 per