Solutions provider to engineering firm Maccaferri Environmental Solutions today said it aims to clock over Rs 1,000 crore turnover in the next 5-7 years.
It offfers technology and manufacturing solutions to engineering entities.
"The growth in the areas we operate are tremendous. Our expectation is that turnover of the company will go past the Rs 1,000 crore mark in next 5-7 years," said Vikramjiet Roy, Managing Director, Maccaferri Environmental Solutions, here.
The company, focussed on Indian construction and other allied sectors and a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Italian parent, started its journey in 1996-97 and became fully operational towards the end of 2006.
From just Rs 10 crore turnover in 2006, the same jumped to Rs 125 crore firm in 2010, recording a compounded annual growth rate of 30%.
Roy said that the topline growth of the company would be around 40-50% in the next few years in sync with the growth of the industry, which grew to over Rs 5,000 crore last year from just Rs 100 crore in 2005-06.
"Our business is confined to just 5-10% of the entire construction spending. However, the amount of quality and savings we ensure for the developers is phenomenon. Hence, the growth is certain," Roy said.
Maccaferri has an order book of Rs 200 crore, as of now, which is to be executed over a period of 18-36 months and the company expects big ticket orders coming in to its fold from now onwards.
The company has so far invested over Rs 70 crore in India but Roy declined to divulge the money Maccaferri would be putting in the coming years in India.