Mahindra Satyam, the rebranded Satyam Computer Services, on Thursday announced the appointment of Vijayanand Vadrevu as the senior vice president – strategic initiatives.
In his new role, Vadrevu will be assisting the chief executive officer (CEO), in providing leadership on “strategic initiatives” to Mahindra Satyam, and will play a key role in scripting the growth plans of the organisation.
Vadrevu, who holds a masters degree in computer engineering from IIT-Kharagpur, has spent more than six years in the US in a number of client facing and practice building roles. He was with Wipro Technologies for over 17 years.
“Vijay is a critical addition to the leadership team at Mahindra Satyam, and his role will be very significant in providing a strategic direction to the organisation to achieve long-term objectives,” Mahindra Satyam CEO C P Gurnani stated in a press release.