Mahindra Shubhlabh Services Ltd (MSSL), a Mahindra Group company, is planning to export 100 containers of grapes (around 1,200 tonnes) during the current grape season. |
The company has reportedly singed a contract with around 150 grape-growers from Nashik and Sangli districts for the purpose. |
Mahindra Shubhlabh, a Rs 21-crore company, was set up by the Mahindra Group in 2000. |
"In the grape season in 2006, MSSL registered five-fold increase in the export of grapes, compared with the export during the season in 2005. In 2006, the company exported 30 containers of grapes worth more than Rs 1 crore, to Holland, Norway, Italy and Greece. The company sourced 19 containers of grapes (around 228 tonnes) from Nashik district and 11 containers (around 132 tonnes) from Sangli district. In 2005 season, MSSL exported six containers to Europe," said company sources. |
"For the grape season in 2007, the company is targeting to export 100 containers of grapes. One container will have around 12 tonnes of grapes. The company has already singed a contract with around 150 grape-growers, including 120 grapes growers from Nashik district and 30 grape growers from Sangli district," the sources said. |
"The company has just launched branded seeds and has also bought land in Pune to set up an R&D facility for seeds and saplings. It is also looking at breeding potatoes. It is planning to enter into bio-fuel production too. Trials are already being conducted in its pilot plants in Baroda and Kandivili. Besides, the company is also looking at plantation and cultivation of seedlings that produce bio-fuels like Jatropha," sources said. |
"Mahindra ShubhLabh aims to provide a one-stop channel through which Indian farmers can access all products, services, knowledge and information that would be required to make quality products. MSSL works on all facets of agricultural production, like seeds, fertilisers, chemicals, farm finance and agriculture extension service," the sources said. |