Till December, Malwa Industries Ltd, a multi-crore garment unit in Machiwara, had been emptying its effluents in the village land. And over the past one and a half years, villagers had filed a slew of complaints with the irrigation department about the industry's contaminated water supply. |
However, now the industry has given the villagers a reason to smile by proposing an investment of Rs 500,00,00 for laying pipelines in nearly seven adjoining villages and supplying treated water for irrigation to the villagers. |
A meeting to this effect was held today between the management of Malwa Industries, the village sarpanchs and members of P Ram Committee, which is looking into the Buddha Nallah cleanliness project. |
Speaking to Business Standard, Science and Technology Principal Secretary P Ram said, "We have seen the effluent treatment plant of the unit. It has very good facilities. At present, the industry is discharging the treated water into Buddha Nallah. We have now told them to supply this water to the villages for irrigation purposes." The department of soil conservation has also checked the way water is treated in the industry. |