In an effort to increase the visibility of its Saffola brand in Tamil Nadu, Marico Industries Limited plans to expand the number of retailers in its network to 3,000 by the end of August. Addressing a press conference, Arnab Banerjee, general manager (new business development)of Marico Industries, said: "We have forayed into functional foods business with the launch of Saffola Daily Health. With this launch we also expect to increase the visibility and availability of Saffola edible oil in Tamil Nadu." The company would spend Rs 1.5 crore on pubilicity in Tamil Nadu, he said. Saffola Daily health is available in two forms "� one specifically designed for diabetic patients and the other for patients suffering from cholesterol. Both the functional products will be available as roti mix as well as meal mix. Functional foods is as an additive food item which increases the nutrient value. Global functional foods is estimated to be around $ 50 billion and projected to grow at 7.5 per cent till 2005. The saffola sugar management roti and meal mix is aimed primarily at diabetic patients. While the family pack is priced at Rs 60 for 50 scoops and 10 scoops at Rs 17. The saffola cholestrol management roti and meal mix is priced at Rs 17 for 10 scoops and Rs 60 for family pack of 50 scoops. |