Maruti Suzuki India (MSI) posted its sales for the month of December at 99,225 units, up 17.01 per cent as compared to 84,804 units in the same period a year ago, according to the press release filed with the BSE.
However the sales showed a drop by 12.87 per cent from the November sales of 1.12 lakh unit out of which 70,000 were sold in the domestic markets.
The exports for the month saw a dip of 29.32 per cent to 9,756 units from previous year's December exports of 13,804 units.
However, the domestic sales grew by 26 per cent to 89,469 units from December 2009 domestic sales of 71,000 units.
'Maruti 800' sales saw a drop of 30 per cent to 1,798 units from the previous year's December sales to 2,574 units.
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The A2 segment which includes sales of Alto, Wagon-R, Ritz, Etilo, Swift and A-star recorded an increase of 23.5 per cent while A3 segment that includes SX-4 and DZire sales grew by 19.4 per cent. The C Segment with Omni, Versa and after the launch of Eeco in January ,2010 registered an upward growth of 67.4 per cent.
The company said the sales were affected due to plant shutdown.
MSI's total passenger car sales rose by 20.75 per cent to 75,652 in December as against 62,653 units in the same month in 2009, it added.
In the nine months of this fiscal, the company's total sales stood at 9,27,665 units compared to 7,30,943 units, up by 26.91 per cent.
The shares of Maruti Suzuki were trading at Rs 1,412, down by 15.65 per cent on the Bombay Stock Exchange at 10:40 am.