India's leading car maker Maruti Suzuki said that it will launch the much-awaited mid-sized sedan, Swift 'DZire' by the end of this month. The car is based on the highly successful platform of the Swift and will eventually take the place of the phased out Esteem. Price of the car was not divulged by the company however industry sources say that it should be priced in the Rs 5-6 lakh range. Maruti claims that the DZire will sport class-leading features that have never been offered in any entry-level sedans in India. For instance, the dash board will house a fully integrated stereo on with steering mounted audio controls. It will also have a fully automatic climate control system, dual front airbags and anti-lock braking system (ABS). The Esteem was the company's offering in the entry level mid-sized segment and was in production for more than 17 years. The car was phased out in the later half on last year on account of poor demand. |