McNally Bharat Engineering today said it has bagged an order worth Rs 379 crore from state-run SAIL's Bhilai steel plant.
The scope of work includes design, engineering, supply of plant and equipment etc for installation of by-product plant complex and its integration with existing facilities for New Coke Oven Battery No-11 of the Bhilai steel plant, it said in a filing to the Bombay Stock Exchange.
The filing added that the schedule time for completion of the project is 24 months.
McNally Bharat Engineering is one of the leading engineering companies in the country engaged in providing turnkey solutions in the areas of power, steel, aluminium, material handling, mineral beneficiation among others.
According to its website, the Kolkata based company constructed over 300 plants on turnkey basis till date.
Shares of the company today closed at Rs 219.10 on the Bombay Stock Exchange, down 1.40% from the previous close.