The downstream gas market has seen turmoil and volatility since the Ukraine stand-off. Prices started rising in the second half of 2021-22 (FY22), and fears of major supply disruptions affected the market since February.
The administered prices of domestic gas — tied to overseas prices — reflect that volatility, with a hike from $2.9 per metric million British thermal unit, or mmBtu (October 2021-March 2022 period) to $6.1 per mmBtu (April 2022-September 2022).
However, gas is a necessary good, which means that a proportion of demand is not price-dependent. While the ceramic industry in Gujarat has shut
The administered prices of domestic gas — tied to overseas prices — reflect that volatility, with a hike from $2.9 per metric million British thermal unit, or mmBtu (October 2021-March 2022 period) to $6.1 per mmBtu (April 2022-September 2022).
However, gas is a necessary good, which means that a proportion of demand is not price-dependent. While the ceramic industry in Gujarat has shut