The Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad (MICA) is playing host to students from the Temerlin Advertising Institute at Southern Methodist University (SMU), Dallas, Texas (USA), for an academic study abroad programme. The structure of this programme includes academic modules, orientation to India and cross cultural studies, as well as cultural immersion, a release from MICA stated.
Patricia Alvey, distinguished chair and director, Temerlin Advertising Institute, who has escorted the students on this trip said, "These sorts of travel immersion programs are just one of many opportunities we want to offer to our students. I do not believe you can get to know and appreciate the world without getting out into the world. And India is an incredible, rich and joyful place to begin these studies."
The two groups of about 15 participants each will be spending five weeks in India of which about three weeks are planned in Ahmedabad, while the remaining time would be spent in Mumbai and Delhi, respectively to visit corporations, market research firms and advertising agencies, including Wagh Bakri Tea, O&M, Mudra, IMRB, and JWT, Net Carrots.
Ashok Ranchhod, director, MICA said, "In an increasingly shrinking world it is important that both SMU students and MICA students understand and appreciate the common bonds that they share as well as understand the differences between themselves. This kind of preparation makes students more aware and tolerant of cultural differences when engaging in the global communications sector.