Retail cement prices in Mumbai have fallen Rs 6-8 per 50 kg bag since Monday, cement company officials said. |
At present, retail cement price in the city are in the range of Rs 175-177 a bag, down from Rs 181-183 a bag. |
Mumbai, which consumes nearly 450,000 tonne cement each month, is the largest retail cement market in the country. |
Company officials confirmed that the Rs 3 per bag hike effected on March 2 has been rolled back due to under-cutting of prices among cement companies. |
In addition to this, the pressure to push higher volumes during March, it being the last month of 2004-05 (April-March), has further led to a fall of Rs 3-5, officials said. |
"Prices this week have already fallen by Rs 6-8 per bag," said a Gujarat Ambuja Cements official, adding that a further Rs 1-2 fall in prices may happen if supplies increase. |
Although, a few cement companies have announced plans to raise prices by Rs 3-5 in Mumbai on Tuesday, cement stockists said the hike may not come into effect due to lacklustre demand. |
"While supplies are increasing in the city, the demand has not really taken off," said a Mumbai-based cement stockist. |
Not only cement companies increased supplies to the city (because of the yearend factor), new players like Sanghi Industries have also started bringing cement from Gujarat. |
Sanghi Industries, according to cement stockists, have already brought four trainloads of cement to the city in a month. One trainload of around 40 wagons approximately caries 2,300 tonne of cement. |