National Aluminium Company (Nalco), a navratna PSU under Union Mines Ministry, has declared an interim dividend of 25 per cent amounting to Rs 322.16 crore for 2015-16, on the paid-up equity share capital of Rs 1,288.62 crore.
T K Chand, chairman and managing director of Nalco, presented a cheque amounting to Rs 260.72 crore to Union Steel & Mines Minister Narendra Singh Tomar in the presence of Balvider Kumar, Union Mines Secretary.
Nalco which started its commercial operations in 1987 has been earning profits consistently and has been declaring dividends since 1992.
In 2014-15, the company had declared a total dividend of Rs 451.02 crore. It may be mentioned that since inception, Nalco has paid a total of Rs 5,679 crore as dividend including Rs 4,860 crore as share of the Government of India.