With popularity of online shopping fast catching up with the tech savvy customers of North-East, Bangalore-based Myntra.com, one of India's leading lifestyle focussed e-commerce portals, is eyeing big in the region.
The company feels North-East market will soon emerge as a "strong retail market" for Myntra. It has also evinced interest to market exotic ethnic apparel designs of North-East through its portal. Myntra has set a growth target of at least 15 per cent, in terms of revenue, in the North-East market this fiscal.
"Youngsters today are extremely fashion conscious and tech savvy. In Guwahati, we have seen the youth echo the same sentiment. Guwahati and Assam have always been known to be loyal markets and we are seeing them quickly emerge as a strong retail market for Myntra.com," said Ashutosh Lawania, co-founder of Myntra.