B V R Subbu, former president of Hyundai Motor India, who now runs a strategy consulting company, tells Ajay Modi that it is 'fashionable' to talk about moving directly to BS VI. He says the government should look at simpler options to address the pollution issue. Edited excerpts:
How do you see the decision to jump from BS IV to BS VI norms?
A move from BS IV to V and then VI would have been a more logical way forward. The fact of the matter is that the automobile industry will be able to meet the expenses. But does the balance sheet of oil marketing companies allow such a massive investment in a short span. If refineries can upgrade and bring the fuel in time, the industry will have to catch up.
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What are the associated challenges?
Even if we can get BS IV norm across the country it will make a big change. In addition, we must attack the huge adulteration and contamination of diesel that affects performance of engines. It will be a futile exercise to move to BS V or VI before addressing these.
What else can be done to bring down vehicular emission?
It is fashionable to say we jump to BS VI. The government should mandate replacing older engines on trucks to extend their life and using particulate traps on trucks and diesel cars. It is the engine that pollutes. It can drive hybrid technology to address the pollution. The industry should be asked to think of simpler solutions to reduce tailpipe emissions.
What will change in the vehicle?
Engine management system and fuel delivery system will see significant changes. So will the metallurgy of engines. However, it must be recognised that even a ten per cent increase of an engine may ultimately result in three per cent increase in cost of vehicles. Industry will face challenge in selling the costlier vehicles.