Neo Sports on Saturday moved the Supreme Court challenging the Delhi High Court order fixing Rs 37.25 as bouquet price for 'Neo Sports' and 'Neo Sports Plus', the channels of private broadcaster Nimbus Communications. While dismissing the broadcaster's application, the Delhi High Court on January 22 had upheld sector regulator TRAI's order fixing Rs 37.25 as bouquet price for the two channels. However, the High Court also said if Nimbus succeeded in the appeal filed before broadcast tribunal TDSAT they would be entitled to recover their cost at the rate of Rs 58.50. Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) in its January 11 order, had directed the broadcaster to reduce its bouquet price to Rs 37.25 from Rs 58.50 in non-CAS areas and to price the channels at Rs 5 in CAS areas. In its petition filed through counsel Ankur Chawla, Neo Sports contended that TRAI cannot fix tariff under Section 13 (2) of TRAI Act. It can only be fixed under Section 11(2) which gives the power to the regulator to fix prices, the broadcaster stated, adding that it was not given any opportunity by the regulator while fixing tariffs. According to the channel, the High Court was wrong in holding that the private channels should consult Trai for fixing of prices before bidding for international events. |