Nestle plans to leverage the knowledge shared during its 51st biannual conference to develop its future products and also upgrade or modify its existing products. The nutrition workshops, which were started in 1981, are conducted globally twice every year and promote cross fertilisation of scientific resources. Managing director Carlo M Donati said that while the company has fortified some of its products with vitamins and iron, it might consider adding zinc at a later stage as a move towards its slogan of 'good food, good life.' It was the first time that the workshop was held in India and attended by representatives from 20 different countries. The conference "" The Control of Food and Fluid Intake in Health and Disease "" discussed various issues including those pertaining to obesity and anorexia which was a growing problem in both the developing and the developed countries. The aim behind the conference is to deliberate and exchange knowledge to build future products and make the existing products more nutritional, Donati said. It is an initiative to leverage the knowledge in the world and the new products in India would be launched in line with the conclusions of the conference. The company might, therefore, consider introducing some low calorie foods at a later stage to deal with the growing problem of obesity. Nestle Nutrition workshops are a part of the Nestle Nutrition Program that contribute to the continuing education of health professionals in the fields of paediatrics, infant, clinical and performance nutrition, Donati said. |