In a span of a day M N Srinivasu (Vasu), Ajay Kaushal and Karthik Ganapathy have become the latest demi-gods of Indian entrepreneurial story. Their company, BillDesk, founded in 2000, was acquired for $4.7 billion by PayU in one of the largest deals that the payments industry has seen.
BillDesk is a well-known payment gateway and is the largest in the utilities bill payment segment, but finding details of founders who started this company is just the opposite.
Just as the story of BillDesk is different from the current set of payments players, the story of these founders
BillDesk is a well-known payment gateway and is the largest in the utilities bill payment segment, but finding details of founders who started this company is just the opposite.
Just as the story of BillDesk is different from the current set of payments players, the story of these founders