Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd., a Navratna PSU under Ministry of Coal., paid an Interim Dividend of 18% i.e Rs.1.80 per share of Rs 10 each for the financial year 2014-15 to the Central Government. Last year, the company paid an interim dividend of 10% in March 2014.
The total outgo to the company on its paid up capital of Rs 1,677.71 crore is Rs 301.99 crore. Government of India, who holds 90% of the company's shares, gets Rs 271.79 crore.
B Surender Mohan, Chairman-cum-Managing Director of NLC Ltd., handed over the Interim Dividend cheque for Rs.271.79 Crore to Piyush Goyal, Union Minister of State with Independent Charge for Power, Coal and New & Renewable Energy.
In addition, Government of India gets dividend distribution tax of Rs 61.83 Crore.