Nikon India has launched the COOLPIX P5100 12.1 MP compact digital camera with features like compatibility with external flash, telephoto and wide angle converter lenses; 3.5x Nikkor optical zoom; 2.5-inch, high-resolution LCD monitor with anti-reflection coating and others. The company has also lined up a promotional offer for the festive season on the COOLPIX range which will be available at prices ranging between Rs 9,000 and Rs 24,000. COOLPIX L10 and L11 come with a free Nikon charger and in addition a 1 GB SD card comes along with the L11. The style series COOLPIX S 51 and S 510 get a free 1 GB SD card on purchase. COOLPIX P5100 will also be available at a special price this festive season. Hidehiko Tanaka, MD, Nikon India said: "We have a longstanding commitment to India. We expect our digital compact camera sales to grow by atleast 300% this quarter vis-a-vis the last quarter." Nikon is in the final stages of tying up with a one of the country's biggest national distributors for its digital compact range of cameras. With this alliance, Nikon hopes to expand its retail presence by 100%. |