India’s largest power generation company NTPC Limited has invited offers for raising up to Rs 5,000 crore as rupee term loan. The company issued a “request for proposal” on Wednesday for the same.
NTPC said the loan will be utilised towards capital expenditure for ongoing/new capacity addition programmes.
This includes takeover of projects, buying out the equity stake of the Government of India in public sector utilities under the Centre’s disinvestment programme, renewable energy projects, coal mining and washeries, renovation and modernisation programme of various projects, refinancing of loans and general corporate purposes, etc.
NTPC said the loan will be utilised towards capital expenditure for ongoing/new capacity addition programmes.
This includes takeover of projects, buying out the equity stake of the Government of India in public sector utilities under the Centre’s disinvestment programme, renewable energy projects, coal mining and washeries, renovation and modernisation programme of various projects, refinancing of loans and general corporate purposes, etc.