NTPC, the country’s largest power generator, reported a three per cent decline in net profit for the quarter ended June, with less of generation and plant load factor (PLF, a measure of unit efficiency and output. The net profit was Rs 2,135 crore, from Rs 2,201 crore for the same quarter of 2014-15. Gross generation was 58.69 billion units, a seven per cent decline from 63.15 BUs in the year-ago period.
Also, PLF for coal-based units fell to 77.6 per cent from 84.3 per cent in the same quarter last year. Gas-based plants had a PLF of 28.5 per cent, as compared to 39.8 per cent in the quarter last year.
The decline in generation, plant efficiency and net profit came even as the company managed to pull down total expenses by 6.4 per cent to Rs 14,884 crore. This decline in expenses was led by a 10 per cent cut in fuel cost to Rs 11,509 crore. Total income fell 8.2 per cent to Rs 17,323 crore, from Rs 18,885 crore in the earlier period. The share price at the BSE closed on Thursday at Rs 135.85, up 0.4 per cent from last close.