The city-based Rs 20-crore Ohri group has launched Ohri's Banjara, a new multi-speciality food court complex in Banjara Hills. The hotel with 24 rooms claims to be the first boutique hotel in the south "� that is each room has an attached kitchenette, movie-on-demand and wireless internet facility. The 26,000 sqft complex offers three restaurants "� Havmor, Tadka and Far East, which will be open in another month's time. |
Announcing their plans here at a press meet today, Ravi Kumar Ohri, the chairman and managing director of the group, said that Tadka is a speciality Indian restaurant with Rajasthani ambience and can seat about 115 people. |
The restaurant offers Rajasthani traditional delicacies such as murg ke soole, saboota talwar, raan tadka sharabi and aloo nazakat. Havmor, the two-decade-old branded restaurant of the group will offer its famous chola bhatura and exotic sundae flavours such as cheese cake. |
"We will open Far East, a restaurant for truly pan-Asian food shortly," Amar Ohri, executive director of the group said. The 126 cover restaurant will offer Thai preparations and Japanese style eating. The cuisine will include Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Thai, Singaporean and Vietnamese, Amar added. |
At present, the group has eight restaurants in the twin cities, including the recently launched 6,000 sqft food court at the I-Max theatre. |
It is now planning to add four more restaurants at the upcoming malls in the city. "We are aiming to have 12 restaurants in the city by this year-end," he added. |