Mirc Electronics, makers of Onida brand of consumer durables, on Tuesday launched its new mobile phone -- the KY Thunder 007, with a built-in woofer. Targeted at the youth segment, the phone offers the biggest thumping quality sound in any mobile phone, according to Mirc CEO G Sundar.
The phone also comes with a 2 MP camera, blue tooth, dual memory card slot expandable up to 8 GB, dual (GSM only) sim capacity among others.
The phone is priced Rs 3,699, and is first launched in Andhra Pradesh market, given that the company has its biggest market share in the state.
Speaking to reporters after the launch, Sundar said the new handset was part of a batch of youth-oriented phones, four of which had been launched already and two more in the pipeline. Overall, the company plans to launch 18 new models in the mobile segment by March 2011.
The turnover from mobile phone segment was v 400 crore in 2009-10, constituting a quarter of Mirc’s total turnover of Rs 1,600 crore, Sundar said.
“The company has three research and development teams based in Mumbai, Noida and in China that design its products. Manufacturing is done at various locations depending on the incentives and other parameters,” he said.
Though the company plans no capital expenditure this year, it was looking to set up a new manufacturing facility by 2013, the investment for which would be in the range of Rs 75-100 crore, Sundar said.