Quikr's move comes a day after online retailer Snapdeal announced that its mobile site will be available in 11 languages including Hindi, Telugu, Gujarati, Tamil, Marathi, Bengali and Punjabi, English, Hindi and Telugu by January 26.
Amazon India also on Wednesday expanded its local language service in India by introducing a Marathi book store. The new store has 5,500 Marathi titles that readers can get delivered at their doorsteps.
There are 950 million mobile users in India, of which only 250 million speak English. The rest are literate in local languages but not comfortable with English.
According to a report by Internet and Mobile Association of India and IMRB International, the current internet user base in India is set to grow at 39%, aided by increase in local language content. Rural India will be the primary driver of this growth at 75%, while urban areas will see a growth of only 16%.
"With Indian internet expanding beyond air-conditioned offices and homes and into the streets of the country, local languages are definitely the next frontier for us. I strongly believe that language should no longer be a barrier for people seeking to transact online," said Pranay Chulet, founder and chief executive officer of Quikr.