Pawan Jhawar, a 31-year-old businessman from a lower middle-income locality in the Howrah area of West Bengal, became an overnight sensation recently after he registered a company in the UK in the name of Tata Sons Ltd — the very name of the holding company of the 100-year-old, $103-billion-worth Tata conglomerate.
“Such a move is in blatant violation of all laws, including our intellectual property rights over the usage of the word Tata. We are considering legal options to strike the registration of such a company using the name Tata,” a Tata Sons spokesperson said.
Jhawar’s motive behind
“Such a move is in blatant violation of all laws, including our intellectual property rights over the usage of the word Tata. We are considering legal options to strike the registration of such a company using the name Tata,” a Tata Sons spokesperson said.
Jhawar’s motive behind