The Bombay High Court on Tuesday allowed Chinese firm ByteDance to operate its Indian bank accounts, frozen by the Goods and Services Tax (GST) authorities over alleged tax evasion, after depositing a sum of Rs 78.91 crore in a state-run bank.
The four blocked bank accounts of the TikTok parent, however, held insufficient funds to pay the amount, according to its court filing.
A Bench of Justices SP Deshmukh and Abhay Ahuja said ByteDance said the company could operate its other Indian bank accounts and utilise the remaining funds, after depositing Rs 78.91 crore in any nationalised bank.
The four blocked bank accounts of the TikTok parent, however, held insufficient funds to pay the amount, according to its court filing.
A Bench of Justices SP Deshmukh and Abhay Ahuja said ByteDance said the company could operate its other Indian bank accounts and utilise the remaining funds, after depositing Rs 78.91 crore in any nationalised bank.