The Indian pharmaceutical market saw a volume growth of 8.2 per cent year-on-year and a business turnover of Rs 6,256 crore in Dec 2013, according to a report from AIOCD Pharmasofttech AWACS, a pharmaceutical market research company..
The price controlled drugs market saw a 8.5 per cent fall in volumes, in which the portfolio of Glaxo SmithKline and Ranbaxy had the highest fall, while Sun Pharma had the least impact.
“The December 2013 growth driver split shows positive on the parameter of volume and new introductions, leading to an overall positive growth when compared with December 2012,” said the report.
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“The major development being the market returning to growth as against a fall in the previous two months. The drop was mainly owing to the new Drug Prices Control Order (DPCO), which brought several drugs under the ambit of price control,” it said.
The drugs, which fall under the DPCO, 2013, saw an 8.5 per cent fall, whereas the non-DPCO market grew by 10.9 per cent, resulting in an overall growth of 8.2 per cent for December 2013.
For instance, the DPCO 2013 portfolio for Glaxo SmithKline was down 27.5 per cent and Ranbaxy down 14.3 per cent, whereas Sun Pharma had the least impact at 9.6 per cent fall, it said.
It further reveals that six therapeutic segments saw double- digit growth in terms of drug market, led by antineoplastics, used for treatment of cancer with a 38.7 per cent growth, followed by anti-malarials market growing 23.2 per cent, dermatology products at 16.9 per cent, respiratory at 15.6 per cent, anti diabetic at 13.8 per cent and opthalmology and related products market growth at 12.2 per cent, said AIOCD Pharmasofttech AWACS, a company of the traders’ body — All India Organisation Of Chemists & Druggists (AIOCD).