The Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission (GERC) has come down heavily on state-owned distribution companies for arbitrarily collecting reconnection charges from all types of consumers without physically disconnecting power for "unjust enrichment". |
The commission has directed all the four state-owned power distribution companies to refund the amount of reconnection charges to consumers concerned after verifying the genuineness of each case. |
The commission has also directed that all the licensees (distribution companies) issue a general public notice in two daily newspapers regarding the same. |
The petitioners Ahmedabad-based Consumer Education and Research Society and Surendranagar District Industries Association claim they have received many complaints from the consumers. |
These include Paschim Gujarat Vij Company Ltd, Rajkot, Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Ltd, (Mehsana), Madhya Gujarat Vij Co Ltd, Vadodara, and Dakshin Gujarat Vij Co Ltd, Surat. |