The detention of Pramod Mittal, younger brother of Lakshmi Mittal, in Bosnia was effected with the intention dislodging the present management of Global Ispat Koksna Industrija doo Lukavac (GIKIL) as part of a hostile takeover attempt, said Global Steel Holdings Limited (GSHL).
Mittal was slapped with a one-month detention order by a Bosnian court, recently, for alleged involvement in a fraudulent transaction. On Tuesday, however, he and two other executives were released on bail and an amount of 12.5 million euros was deposited in a court escrow account.
Mittal was slapped with a one-month detention order by a Bosnian court, recently, for alleged involvement in a fraudulent transaction. On Tuesday, however, he and two other executives were released on bail and an amount of 12.5 million euros was deposited in a court escrow account.
About 14 years back, GSHL - a holding company for Pramod Mittal companies