Kanpur-based PSM group recently launched four products. These are PSM Wool Soft, meant to clean woollen clothes and in the same price range as Ezee and Genteel; PSM Sensation, a middle-range detergent powder, now in liquid form; a toilet cleaner in direct competition with Harpic; and a glass cleaner called Krystal cleaner. |
The group has a turnover of about Rs 10 crore. |
"Volume-wise we may be small, but we think on the lines of large companies. We implement our plans in a small way due to lack of marketing infrastructure," said Naresh Manchanda, senior member of the promoters' family. |
Manchanda told Business Standard PSM Softwool was ready in summer, but "we wanted to launch it with other products. Some other products are in the pipeline, but now that the winter is here, we decided to launch it immediately and it has got a good response." |
"The other three are just in the market and we shall know the consumer response in the course of time," Manchanda said. |
"The guidelines for these products were given by Speciality Chemicals of Switzerland, which has a large research set-up. But these are ultimately developed by us. Any further research, if required, will be done also by us," Manchanda said. |