Leading engineering and construction company Punj Lloyd Group today said it had bagged a contract worth Rs 1,195 crore from Haldia Energy, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Calcutta Electric Supply Company (CESC) for its 600 MW thermal power project.
The project will boost the power supply in Kolkata and its suburbs, and is scheduled to be commissioned by 2014, the company said in a statement issued here.
Based in Haldia, the scope of work for the 2x300 MW plant entails balance of plant (BoP) supply and services and BTG erection and includes detailed engineering of BoP, mechanical, electrical and instrumentation packages, it said.
With this contract, the order backlog for the group on a consolidated basis has gone up to Rs 25,133 crore, reflecting the total value of unexecuted orders as on June 30, and new orders received after that day.