Rama Newsprint and Papers resumed commercial production at its plant at Village Barbodhan, Taluka Olpad, Surat on Monday. The power connection has also been restored by the Gujarat Electricity Board (GEB). |
The plant of the biggest newsprint manufacturing company in Asia was forced to stop production after a Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) closure order (number DC/SRT/151/23060) on July 29. The order was issued following the plant's failure to meet pollution control norms. |
"We have resumed commercial production at our Surat plant on Monday. The GPCB has stayed its order and allowed us to resume manufacturing. |
"There were some technical problems in our compliance with the GPCB norms. We are now complying with all rules and regulations laid down by the board," V D Bajaj, executive director, Rama Newsprint, said. |
"We have revoked the orders issued to Rama Newsprint for closure on Monday, August 9. We kept the company's plant closed for about a week. However, we revoked the orders after taking a written undertaking from the company that it will comply with the pollution norms. We will keep an eye on the company and will conduct surprise visits to the plant if required. The revoked orders are for three months only. If the company does not improve on the pollution norms as promised, it will lead to the closure of the company," Sanjiv Tyagi, member secretary, GPCB, said. |
The pollution treatment plant of the Rama Newsprint unit was not functioning due to a technical snag on June 25 this year. Despite this, the company kept the plant functioning. A high-level team of experts from GPCB was sent to the company. |
The vigilance department of GPCB also conducted tests at the company's pollution treatment plant. These revealed that the company had violated pollution norms, as a result of which, closure orders were issued by GPCB, Gandhinagar, on July 29 last. |
N L Kansagra, Regional Officer, GPCB, Surat, said: "Our Gandhinagar office had issued the closure (power disconnection) orders of Rama Newsprint. In view of the orders, the company's power connection had been disconnected by Gujarat Electricity Board." |