Rang De Basanti, Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra's take on modern day patriotism and one of Bollywood's biggest blockbusters of the year, will be India's entry to the Oscar in the best foreign film category. The decision to send the Aamir Khan starrer to the Oscars was announced here by the Film Federation of India. "This year, there were eight films in contention, including Lage Raho Munnabhai, Krissh and Omkara, but the jury chose Rang De Basanti, Suparn Sen, member of Film Federation of India said here. "This year, it was a tough call because there were so many quality films in the running, Rang De Basanti stood out for its cinematic quality, its script. It is a very contemporary film and overall we thought it would be a good choice. Now let us see what they (the Academy) think," Basu Chatterjee, chairman of the jury and noted film maker, said here. |