Corporate behemoth Reliance Industries, the country's most valued firm, today crossed the Rs 2 trillion-mark in market capitalisation becoming the third company ever to reach the milestone. The Mukesh Ambani-led firm witnessed a surge in its share price, and its scrip touched a 52-week high of Rs 1,444.80, up Rs 26, in mid-session trade on the BSE today. The stock closed at Rs 1,414.55 today giving the company a market cap of Rs 1,97,075 crore. "If one had invested Rs 1,000 in RIL's first public issue in 1977, it is worth more than Rs 10.5 lakh today with over Rs 40,000 as dividend. The company is growing with a CAGR of 27%," an industry analyst said. ONGC had achieved the Rs 2,00,000 crore level in market cap last year but has since fallen below the mark and is the second most valued firm. ONGC's market cap stands at around Rs 1,89,000 crore. IT major Wipro, which had crossed the Rs 2,00,000 crore level in the technology boom in 2000, has now slipped to the seventh rank in terms of market value. Wipro's market cap stands at about Rs 96,989 crore. Telecom major Bharti Airtel is the third most valued firm at Rs 1,51,000 crore. |