The 4,000 MW Ultra Mega Power Project (UMPP) in Tilaiya, Jharkhand, that Reliance Power won in 2009 at a record low tariff of Rs 1.77 per unit has changed hands now. RPower sold the special purpose vehicle (SPV) formed to execute the project to Jharkhand Urja Vikas Nigam Limited (JUVNL) for Rs 1.12 billion. This leaves India with only two mega-sized coal-based thermal power projects in the hands of private players.
Anil Ambani promoted RPower had exited the project in 2015, citing delay in land acquisition. The SPV -- Jharkhand Integrated Power Limited (JIPL) -- terminated the Power Purchase
Anil Ambani promoted RPower had exited the project in 2015, citing delay in land acquisition. The SPV -- Jharkhand Integrated Power Limited (JIPL) -- terminated the Power Purchase