The RPG group has earmarked an investment of Rs 12,000 crore for power and Rs 450 crore for carbon black as two of its thrust business focus areas over the next 2-3 year. "We plan to invest Rs 12,000 crore in our power business of which we have already committed Rs 2,000 crore," Harsh Goenka, chairman, RPG Enterprises, told PTI. A Rs 450-crore investment has been earmarked for its carbon black business it has identified three states where it is assessing the project's prospects. "We are looking at West Bengal, Jharkhand and Orissa and our decision will be based on availability of coal. Coal-linkages are very important for our project,' Goenka said. Asked whether the group was considering a gas-based power project, he said non-availability of gas precluded such a project. "I would love to set up a gas-based project, but then, where is the gas?" he asked. The group was also expanding capacity at its CESC plant whose efficiency, he said, had reached new highs since the group took it over. "We have reduced transmission and distribution losses from 22% to 13% and enhanced its capacity. Its plant load factor (PLF) is very high and the work-force highly-motivated," Goenka said. |