RummyCircle, India’s favorite mobile app and site to play Rummy, has launched a new TVC, encapsulating the thrill and excitement of playing Rummy online. is a wholly owned division of Play Games24x7, leader in online and mobile games in India.
The latest commercial by is an immersive take on the action-packed nature of a typical game of rummy played by connoisseurs. It captures the raw pleasure of competing and winning in a game of rummy. The film is loaded with swag and special effects alike. It engages the viewer with high energy and unexpected turns, leaving the viewer gushing with excitement. The new commercial is available on YouTube:
Play Games24x7 Co-Founder and Co-CEO Trivikraman Thampy said, "Rummy is known to be a mind game and a family game, but most people don't realize how exciting and charged a game of Rummy can be, and that feeling is what we want the viewers to take away from this new TVC.”